Sometimes people just need a second chance

Our mission is to empower and provide resources to displaced men and women who meet the age requirements to enlist in the United States military.

Additionally, we will also help young adults aging out of the Foster Care system enlist, as well as assist homeless shelters, food banks, and the greater homeless population in any way we can.

Statistics show homeless men and women are more likely to end up hurt, dead, or in jail than your average citizen.

We will provide a second chance!

An opportunity to develop discipline, gain valuable job skills, earn life-long benefits, and most importantly, join a family.

Did you know that about 20,000 young adults graduate from the foster care system each year, with the odds stacked against them?

We want to help set them up for success!

We can connect with them before they’ve aged out, assist them through the process, and help them prepare for their military journey.

Take Action

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